
Graduation--LDS Business College

We all know life doesn't go as planned.  If you think that--then you haven't lived very long.  You can have a plan and that is fantastic...but your Plan A isn't always Heavenly Father's Plan A.

This past Wednesday, April 15, I graduated from LDS Business College.  This is not where I thought I would be at this point in my life.  Like, nowhere even close to this.

When I was little I had a plan.  The plan was:

  1. Graduate from high school.
  2. Go to BYU.
  3. Get Married.
  4. Live Happily Ever After.
THAT was the plan.  There was no LDS Business College, no Salt Lake City, no Hardship, and definitely no "Just Going With It."  But that was my plan, not the Lord's.

The Lord's plan was:
  1. Graduate from high school.
  2. Go to LDSBC for 2 years.
  3. Go to BYU
  4. ......and whatever comes after that.
Unfortunately, this happens a lot.  Our plan doesn't match up with Heavenly Father's plan.  But you just have to take it for what it is and go with it.  And that is OKAY.  Believe me, it is super scary but it's worth it--because whatever comes is probably going to be a lot better that what you had planned for.

As I was walking across the stage on Wednesday, shaking everyone's hand (after I received my diploma) I was like, "Wow!  This is it!  I made it!"  But then I got a little sad inside because I wasn't anywhere where I thought I would be.  

Later, while talking to my boss, Kim, I realized that even though I wasn't where I thought I would be, I was exactly where the Lord wanted me.  And that is all that matters.  Because I am where the Lord wants me to be, I can bless others lives and can also become who He wants me to be.

LDSBC, Salt Lake, and trials are definitely not what I had planned for myself.  However, looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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